Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Astrology is a belief of predicting the past, present and future of human being combining with the astronomical phenomenon and planetary position. Generally time, place and date of birth are the necessary things of calculating the astrological details of an individual. It is a study and lots of people are working on this. Though it is tough or even not possible to prove that how any mechanism of action of the planets or stars are affecting the life of a human being or some other things on earth, still more than countable years this belief is going on and on.

Instead of sharing some basic rituals of root in astrology, people follow different methodologies  such as Indian, Western and Chinese. Western one forms the horoscope for the correct moment such as the birth time of an individual using zodiac sign that is associated with the equinoctial points. It depends upon the movements of stars and the planets and their changing positions are analyzed and correlated with the signs of the zodiac and their relative aspects towards each other. This is known as sun sign. Here people follow only sun signs that vary upon the different date of births.

Indian or Hindu one depends upon the view of the Vedas which is the nexus between the macrocosm and microcosm. The newborns are given the names based on their jyotisha charts. Many Indian Universities are providing respective degrees on this. People here trust it at that level that before starting any new business or work they prefer to analyze their birth chart by their astrologers . Here lots of people prefer to take it as their full time or part time profession.  Astrologers refer various types of gemstones as the preventive measures. Many jewelry shops are doing business on these gemstones.

Chinese one is another interesting stream of Jyotisha. According to this, people correlate among heaven, earth and human being. It uses animal signs for different personality according to the birth dates. Korean zodiac is very much identical to the Chinese one.  Vietnam zodiac is almost similar to the Chinese one but differs in the second animal which is Buffalo in Vietnam in place of Ox in Chinese and the fourth animal is cat in place of rabbit. The Japanese zodiac includes Wild Boar in place of wild pig. The Thai zodiac includes Naga in place of Dragon and it is used not only in the beginning of the Chinese year rather in the Thai calendar the fifth month also start with this.

Through this prediction about career, health, birth, death, marriage, property can be possible. If you have believed, then do not hesitate to try this out.  But if not, then do not waste your time because perhaps it will not be able to give you satisfactory explanations. Those who have trust on this, they can realize where it is true. It helps people by alerting the events that may come and make small or big differences in their life. So that they can be prepared mentally or some other means.

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